Newsletter – November 2021
1. European Webinar – Radiological Hazards
Our last webinar of the year is on the 9th December at 2 PM GMT. It is a joint meeting with The Society for Radiological Protection.
Speakers are:
- Christopher Jones, Head of Corporate RPA on behalf of SRP/AWE
Basics of Radiological Hazards - Peter Hiller, Technical Authority (Characterisation), National Nuclear Laboratories
Case Study - Radiological RPE Requirements in Decommissioning - Particulate Hazards - Paul Cooper, Operational lead CBRN Support, Atomic Weapons Establishment
Case Study - Radiological RPE Requirements in Operational Use - Gaseous / Vapour Hazards
This is free to members and non-members alike. Please visit the following link to reserve your place:
The series will continue next year and we are looking for suggestions for subjects or speakers that we could approach. Please contact the section chair () or secretary ().
2. International Online Conference 2022 – CALL FOR PAPERS
The Society is organising an International on-line conference for May 10th to 12th 2022. In addition there will also be an educational session for CPD purposes on May 9th.
If your details are correct on our parent website,, you should have been sent an Email about this event last week that will seem to have come from Gabriele Troescher, who is running the technical committee. If you didn’t get this Email and think that you are a paid-up member let me know. In the meantime I will place details of the event on shortly.
There will be a registration fee for the Conference and there will be opportunities for sponsorship. Obviously, protection against infectious disease will be a major theme of the conference.
3. Journal
I need to remind you that the ISRP Journal went entirely paperless a couple of years ago.
It is available at:
Some of the papers are open access and can be read by anybody but most of the recent and historical content is for members only.
Mike Williams at
Secretary ISRP European Section
November 10th 2021