The outbreak caused by the virus named ‘SARS-CoV-2″ and the disease it causes named ‘COVID-19’ continues. This is an ongoing event and the situation will continue to evolve. To stay up to date, please consult your applicable local public health resources for up to date information on the virus. ISRP has been collecting resources and references provided by its members for the respiratory protection community. CDC has prepared a FAQ document about respirators and their use.
COVID-19 Situation Updates
World Health Organization / Health topics / Coronavirus
United States
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention / COVID-19 / Situation Summary
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Brief on Aerosol Transmission
Canada Public Health Agency / COVID-19
British Columbia Centres for Disease Control / Information on Novel Coronavirus
Ontario College of Family Physicians / Novel Coronavirus: Primary Care Guidance
United Kingdom
Public Health England / COVID-19: infection prevention and control guidance
Public Health England / Putting on (donning) personal protective equipment (PPE)
Public Health England / Removal of (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE)
Respiratory Protection Resources
OSHA | Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
DOL – OSHA / CDC – NIOSH Hospital Respiratory Protection Program Toolkit
Canada / CAN/CSA Z94.4 Selection, care, and use of respirators
CSA Communities – Free COVID-19 Related Standards Access
Health & Safety Executive, Respiratory protective equipment at work, a practical guide, HSG53.
Appendix 6: Selecting RPE for radioactive or biological hazards’. https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/hsg53.pdf
National Institute for Occupational Health Blogs and Inforgraphics
CDC COVID-19 | Healthcare Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
CDC COVID-19 | Respirator FAQ
Non-occupational Uses of Respiratory Protection – What Public Health Organizations and Users Need to Know
Breathe Easy, Part 1: How to Pick the Right Respirator for Your Emergency Kit
Breathe Easy, Part 2: How to Properly Use a Respirator in an Emergency
Influenza Pandemic and the Protection of Healthcare Workers with Personal Protective Equipment
Understanding respiratory protection options in Healthcare: The Overlooked Elastomeric
Facial Hairstyles and Filtering Facepiece Respirators
Resources and Articles
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control / Rapid Risk Assessment
Johns Hopkins University / CSSE / Mapping 2019-nCoV
ECRI COVID-19 Outbreak Prepardness Center
J Pathog. / Aerobiology and Its Role in the Transmission of Infectious Diseases
North Toronto Ontario Health Team | Toolkit: COVID-19
Sunnybrook Hospital | Donning and doffing instructions: PPE for novel pathogens
Control Banding Method for Selecting Respiratory Protection Against Bioaerosols
IRSST Control Banding for Bioaerosols Tool
CAEP Recommendations for PPE in the Emergency Department During COVID-19
ECRI | Use of Imported N95-Style Masks
Resources from Organizational Members
3M Technical Data Bulletin / Respiratory Protection for Airborne Exposures to Biohazards
3M Technical Bulletin / Comparison of FFP2, KN95, and N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator Classes
3M Technical Bulletin / Respiratory Protection FAQ: General Public
3M Technical Bulletin / 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak