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Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1343 downloads
How Leak- tight are New Respirators?
A. Capon, M. Savarin
Avon Technical Products, UKICS Laboratories Inc. USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1473 downloads
Designing the Next Generation Military Respirator
Alex Rowbotham
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Portin Down, Salisabury, Wilts., UK
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1559 downloads
The Lung and the World Outside
Anthony Seaton
Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Aberdeen University
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1456 downloads
Measurement of Operational Fit Factors for Soldiers Wearing the S10 Respirator
B. Gray, W. Roberts, S. Scanlan
Defence Science Technology Organisation (DSTO), Melbourne, Australia
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1483 downloads
The Development of Respirator Protection Factors in the United States
Ching-Tsen Bien
LAO Consulting Inc., Crofton, Maryland, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1455 downloads
Novel Polymeric Barrier Materials for Respiratory Protection
Chris J. Hindmarsh
DSTL, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wilts., UK
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1354 downloads
Carbon Fibres for Combined Particulate and Vapour Filters
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1384 downloads
3D Scanning Applications Relevant to Respirator Development
Chris J. Hindmarsh, Laurence A. Pears, Grant S. Richardson
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1452 downloads
A Faster, More Rigorous Protocol for Fit Testing Respirators
Crutchfield, Clifton D. Kautz, Donald W. Peate, Wayne F.
College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1487 downloads
Respirators from an Asbestos Stripper's Viewpoint
David Bowie
GTC-AMAS, Kirkhill Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, Scotland
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1491 downloads
Evaluation of Personal Cooling Technologies to Alleviate Mask Thermal Discomfort
David M. Caretti
US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1413 downloads
Protection Factor and Filter Efficiency in Protective Face Masks
Gary McCurdy, R. Vijayakumar
Air techniques International, Owings Mills, MD, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1362 downloads
Inward Leakage Testing of Protective Suits
Goran Berndtsson
The SEA Group, Branford, Connecticut, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1363 downloads
The Role of Peak Inhalation Air Flow in the Testing of Air Purifying Respirators
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1410 downloads
A Dual-Seal Respirator Concept for Increased Respiratory Protection
Grant S. Richardson
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1474 downloads
Thermal Regeneration of a Respirator Cartridge for Organic Vapors
Hajime Ishidao Hori, Sumiyo Toru Ishimatsu
University of Occupational and Environmental Development, School of Health Sciences, Japan
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1369 downloads
"Standards for the 21st Century Worker? Don't Hold your Breath."
Jacques Forrest, Nick Graves
Centurion Safety Products, Thetford, UK
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1411 downloads
How to Deal with RPE within a Global Petrochemical Industry
Jan M. H. H. Hendrix
Dow Chemical N. V. — Industrial Hygiene Expertise Center, Terneuzen, The Netherlands
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1355 downloads
The Use of Self- Contained Breathing Apparatus during a Prolonged Mine Disaster Response and Safeguards Required to Protect Rescue Team Members from Biological Hazards
Jeffery Kravitz
Special Projects and Mine Emergency Operations, MSHA, US Department of Labor, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1421 downloads
Non-Destructive Testing of Self- Contained Self- Rescuers Used in the United States and the Program to Develop a Universal Breathing and Metabolic Simulator
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1378 downloads
Recapturing the Sizing Issues of Respirator Fit-test Panels for Emergency Response
Jinhua Guan, Hongwei Hsiao, Ziqing Zhuang
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, NIOSH, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USADivision of Safety Research, NIOSH, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1350 downloads
The Performance of the Newly Developed Electrostatic Filter
K. Kimura, Hisashi Yuasa
Hanno Laboratory, Koken Ltd, Saitama, Japan
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1326 downloads
Protective Performance of Respirators against Dioxin Generated in a Waste Incineration Plant
Katsumi Kodera, Norikazu Kurano, Masaharu Mori, Hiroshi Yamada
Shigematsu Works Co. Ltd, Saitama, Japan
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1346 downloads
The Effect of Selected Aerosols on the Electrostatic Filtering Materials for Respiratory Protective Devices
Krzysztof Makowski
Central Institute for Labour Protection, Lodz, Poland
Published on 29 September 2002 In 2002 - Edinburgh, Scotland 1389 downloads
Use of the SMARTMAN Test Apparatus in Testing Respiratory Protection
Lee Campbell, John Davis, James A. Hanzelka, Raymond Lins
US Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, USAUS Army Soldier Biological and Chemical Command, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, USA