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Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1490 downloads
Preparedness for Handling a Mass Casualty Event
Abraham Bachar
B. General (res.), President & CEO, IsraTeam 98 Ltd, 10 Hamelacha St, Northern I. Z. Lod 71520, ISRAEL
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1584 downloads
Respiratory Protection for Military Aircrew
Alex Rowbotham
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1449 downloads
Prediction of Filter Performances against Organic Vapours: Statistical Analysis of Breakthrough Times as a Basis for a Simple Prediction Model
Andre Lavanchy
Individual NBC Protection, SPIEZ LABORATORY, Spiez, Bern CH-3700, Switzerland
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1434 downloads
How is Respirator Comfort Affected by Individual Respiratory Resistance?
Arthur T. Johnson
University of Maryland, Biological Resources Engineering, College Park, MD 20742-5711, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1475 downloads
Why Physiological Studies Are Important
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1576 downloads
Gas Mask Protection Factor Measurements and Limitations
Brian Harrison and Septimus Liang
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, The Royal Military College of Canada, P.O.Box 17000 Stn Forces, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4 Canada
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1587 downloads
Respirator Filter Collection Efficiency and US Respirator Recommendations for Biological Aerosols: A Review
Craig E. Colton, CIH and Robert A. Weber, CIH
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division, 3M Center Bldg. 235-2E-91, St. Paul, MN 55144, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1521 downloads
Workplace Breathing Rates: Defining Anticipated Values and Ranges for Respirator Certification Testing
David M. Caretti, Karen M. Coyne, and Paul D. Gardner
U.S. Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5424
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1385 downloads
Peak Inhalation Air Flow and Minute Volumes Measured in a Bicycle Ergometer Test
Goran Berndtsson
SEA Group, Safety Equipment America, Inc., 1001 Avenida Pico PMB #626, San Clemente, California, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1388 downloads
“The Consequences of High Inhalation AIR Flow” A Follow up on “Peak Inhalation Air Flow and Minute Volumes Measured in a Bicycle Ergometer Test”
SEA Group, Safety Equipment America, Inc., 1001 Avenida Pico PMB #626, San Clemente, Californica, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1499 downloads
Further Advances in the Development of a Personalised Respirator Face Seal
Grant S. Richardson
Dstl Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP4 0JQ, UK
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1495 downloads
The Development of Instrumentation and Analysis Tools to Assess Respirator Performance in the Field
Grant S. Richardson, Maj. John Winskill, Major Angus McLeod
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1608 downloads
Development of PAO (poly-alpha-olefin) Particle Generator
Hiromi Koyama and Seiji Ikawa
Sibata Scientific Technology Ltd., 1-1-62, Nakane, Soka, Saitama 340-0005
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1548 downloads
Peak Inspiratory Flow Rates in Respirators during Graded Treadmill Exercise.
I. Holmer, K. Kuklane, and C. Gao
Thermal Environment Laboratory, Department of Design Sciences, Lund Technical University, Lund, 22100 Sweden
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1585 downloads
Respirator Classification, A Subject That Requires Class Definitions and Oversight
James S. Johnson
Chemical & Biological Section Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O.Box 808, L-379, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94551, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1462 downloads
The Storm Decline Accident : An Investigation of The Use and Performance of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Jeffery Kravitz
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1480 downloads
Standards Development Efforts for Powered Air Purifying Respirators and Closed-Circuit Breathing Apparatus Used to Protect Emergency Responders against Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents
John G. Kovac
ational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Development of The New 3D Test Panel for Half-Mask Respirators by 3D Shape Analysis for Korean Faces
Kangyoon Kim, Hyunwook Kim, Joong Lee, Eungdae Lee, Dong Wook Kim
Institute of Occupational Health, Korean Industrial Health Association Dept. Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of KoreaDocument Photography Dept., National Institute of Scientific Investigation
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1597 downloads
Influencing Factors of Carbon Dioxide Concentration Increase of Filtering Respirators
Katsumi Suzuki, Akio Ogawa and Yoshimi Matsumura
The Technology Institution of Industrial Safety, 1011A, Kanagawa Science Park, 3-2-1 Sakato, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki 213-0012, Japan
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1568 downloads
Assessment of Ergonomic Aspects of Respiratory Protective Devices
Krzysztof Makowski & Katarzyna Majchrzycka
Central Institute for Labour Protection, National Research Institute, Lodz, 90-133, Poland
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1424 downloads
Evaluation of a Proposed Method to Measure Penetration of Submicrometer Aerosols Through N95 Filters
Larry L. Janssen , Michael D. Luinenburg, Haskell E. Mullins and Thomas J. Nelson
3M Occupational Health and Environmental Safety Division, Thomas Neslon affiliation, St. Paul, MN 55144, USANIHS, Inc., Ardentown, DE 19810, USA
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1464 downloads
A Practical Method for Interpreting Breathing Curves in the Selection of Negative Pressure Respirators
Leif A Ekman
EZE Communications, PO Box 528 Wahroonga NSW 2076, Australia
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1472 downloads
Preventive Measures for Workers of Incineration Plants from Exposure to Dioxin
Mitsuhiro Kudo
Occupational Health Research and Development Center, Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association, 5-35-2, Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1425 downloads
PAO Aerosol as Replacement for DOP
Naoki Sugita, Akira Yokochi
Midori Anzen Co.,Ltd., 5-27-1, Inari, Sokashi, Saitama 340-0003, JapanTokai University
Published on 09 November 2004 In 2004 - Yokohama, Japan 1285 downloads
Respiratory Self-Escape Devices: Imperative Need for Establishing a New Category of Respiratory Protective Equipment
Nikolay Plate, Vassiliy Batyrev, Professor Marina Bloudyan, Juri G. Sorokin
Academy of Sciences of RussiaExpert Group of the Association of DevelopersManufacturers and Suppliers of PPEAssociation of Manufacturers and Suppliers of PPE