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Autumn Meeting 2019 - Neuss

ISRP Autumn Meeting - SAVE THE DATE  13th November 2019

  3M Neuss - Dusseldorf


We are grateful to Gabriele Troescher at 3M at Neuss, Dusseldorf for offering to host our Autumn Meeting on the 13th November 2019


We have four speakers at present, Greg Olson, Dr Stephanie Lynch, Maxine Dolloway and Gabriele Troescher with another two suggestions.

We are looking for other speakers – if you have a 20 minute paper that you would like to present, or if you wish to suggest a speaker to be invited, please contact the Secretary.

Visit the ISRP web site at for meeting updates.

Meeting Fee:  (lunch, tea and coffee included)


ISRP Individual and Corporate Members       £50

Non-Members                                                 £75

Book for the meeting through If you have trouble with this please contact the Secretary at the Email at the bottom of this notification. Delegates must book their own accommodation. Details to follow.


Mike Williams at

ISRP Europe Signs up as a Supporter of Breathe Freely Campaign

On 28th April, 2015, ISRP President Mike Clayton joined over 140 invited guests gathered at the Merchant Taylor’s Hall in London for the launch of British Occupational Hygiene Society's Breathe Freely campaign. Those present were representing construction companies, trade associations, professional bodies, unions the media and he occupational hygiene community. 

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Bob Bentley Bursaries 2020

The European Section of ISRP is offering one or more Bob Bentley Bursaries linked to the ISRP 20th International Conference in Oxford, United Kingdom, on September, 2020. The Bob Bentley Bursary is available to "young" researchers in Europe. Recipients will be required to attend the conference and to present a paper.


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