1. Spring Meeting and AGM, Lodz, Monday 16th March 2020
Under three weeks to go to our Spring Meeting. We have a full complement of speakers.
Krzysztof Makowski CIOP – PIB – Title to be confirmed
Malgorzata Okrasa CIOP – PIB - Title to be confirmed
Robert Gregorczyk KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. “Work safety managment in terms of Glogow Smelter workers exposure to harmful factor on the lead bearing materiał.”
Mike Clayton 3M Respirator fit testing as part of your RPE programme’
Karl Wenzelewski The work of TC79
Wolfgang Drews. ISO-Standard 17420 for Respiratory Protective Devices
Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa Institute of Occupational Medicine, Łódź
Respiratory health hazards at the workplace – prophylactic care of the worker
Presentations may not be in this order but we shall start with Krysztof or Malgorzata as hosts.
The Section AGM will be held before lunch. All are welcome to attend the AGM but only paid-up members (members “in good standing”) can vote on any resolution. If there are any items that members wish to put forward for discussion at the AGM let know.
The full address is of CIOP-PIB is:
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (CIOP-PIB)
ul. Wierzbowa 48, 90-133 Łódź.
The booking site is open at www.isrpeurope.com. There is only one price, £20. Book through www.isrpeurope.com. The meeting is free for speakers.
Some are staying at the Novotel. Krzysztof also recommends Hotel Ambasador Premium,
Campanile, Holiday Inn and Qubus Hotel
2. New Chair for the Section.
Professor David Crouch, of 3M and Cranfield University, has put his name forward to be our new Chair. David is involved in many groups and has considerable experience in the field of respiratory protection.
David Crouch is global subject matter expert for defence and public pafety for science-based technology company, 3M. He is a professional chemist, with more than 25 years’ experience in the fields of materials science, respiratory and CBRN protection. A chartered chemist and fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, David is currently global application engineering lead on all 3M Hazard management programs, for both the civil and military markets. He is a visiting professor at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom (Cranfield University-Defence & Security), Convener of CEN/TC391 Societal & Citizen Security Working Group 2 (CBRNe) and is the former chairman of CBRN-UK (www.cbrn-uk.com), the UK industry’s specialist CBRN interest group. David is a member of the Emergency Planning Society - CBRN Professional Working Group and also represents BSI on the national PH/004 (Respiratory Protection) & CBRN (BS8468) standard committees. As well as internationally on the ISO TC94 SC15 Working Group 7 CBRN committee.
3. ISRP International Conference, Oxford, September 2020 – Reminder.
It’s time to submit abstracts for Conference Papers. Send them to for assessment. We hope to give a quick response. Rememer to check the rules for the Bob Bentley Bursary on isrp.com to see if you are eligible for financial support.
Book to attend the conference via https://www.isrp.com/events/next-international-conference. You will be directed to our partners, Conference Care, who are handling the bookings for the meeting. We are operating an honesty policy. You do not have to renew your membership for 2020 before you book but you must have done it before the conference. I shall check your membership in the summer and you will find it is cheaper to be a member than to pay the excess. See below for 2020 membership rates for the European Section. Payments will be taken against credit card unless you need an invoice. It could take a week for an invoice to be issued by Conference Care. If there are any problems or undue delays please contact .
Conference Care are not handling the bookings for the rooms in Pembroke College or for Hotels. You will be sent an Email with a link to Pembroke College to book accommodation and a password. Their rates for Bed and Breakfast at are very reasonable for Central Oxford. We have guaranteed to fill 50 rooms from Sunday 27th night to Wednesday 30th night. There are some rooms available at Pembroke before and after the conference but we haven’t guaranteed them so they are subject to availability as are rooms above the 50 guaranteed. Most of the rooms are single rooms in a modern block but there are some double rooms available in older buildings. There is Wifi but no TV. Unfortunately Pembroke do not allow children to stay in College. I have been told that the cut off age is 16.
4. Memberships for 2020
We take credit card payments for membership through www.isrpeurope.com. If you go to www.isrp.com first you will be asked to pay “offline” via isrpeurope.com. If you need to pay against an invoice please contact me and I will send one. If you have forgotten passwords or log-in details or are having any other problems with either site then contact me. I can see log-in details and can re-set passwords (but I don’t see them or any credit card details).
Corporate/Organisational members should be aware that although they can only have two named members in any Section, they can send an unlimited number of employees to the International Conference at the member rate.
Mike Williams at
Secretary ISRP European Section.