The International Society for Respiratory Protection

pdf Marianne Dalene, Associate Professor, Gunnar Skarping, Professor, Bjrn Oscar Tveters, MSc., HSEQ Manager; Trond M Schei, BSc., Chief Occupational Hygienist and Vegard Peikli, MSc., Discipline Advisor Occupational hygiene Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 986 downloads

Real Time Monitoring of Protection Factors in a Specially Designed Test Chamber With Video Clips and Evaluation Software

Marianne Dalene, Associate Professor, Gunnar Skarping, Professor, Bjrn Oscar Tveters, MSc., HSEQ Manager; Trond M Schei, BSc., Chief Occupational Hygienist and Vegard Peikli, MSc., Discipline Advisor Occupational hygiene

1) Stockholm University
3) ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
4) StatoilHydro ASA 

pdf Mark Hodgson Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1006 downloads

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From Paper Hats to Protective Devices: the Design Process for a Very Compact CBRN Hood

Mark Hodgson

Avon Protection Systems

pdf Menno.De Jonge and David Caretti Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 950 downloads

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Respirator Vapor Protection Factors: Active Versus Passive Sampling

Menno.De Jonge and David Caretti

1) Research Scientist, TNO Defense, Security and Safety, Rijswijk, The Netherlands
2) Research Physiologist, US Army Edgewood CB Center, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD, USA 

pdf Mike Clayton Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1035 downloads

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Iso Selection, Use and Maintenance: Is There a Future for APFs?

Mike Clayton

Health and Safety Laboratory, Harpur Hill, Buxton SK17 9JN, UK 

pdf Mike Williams and Lyndsay Dunne Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 968 downloads

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Some Factors Affecting Adsorbent Bed Design — 2

Mike Williams and Lyndsay Dunne

Cranfield University 

pdf Paul Gardner Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1053 downloads

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Investigation of Novel Respirator Seal Concepts

Paul Gardner

US Army, Edgewood 

pdf Peter Hoffman Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1130 downloads

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Respiratory Protection in Healthcare: an Infection Control Perspective

(Invited Keynote)

Peter Hoffman

Laboratory of Healthcare-associated Infection, Health Protection Agency, UK 

pdf Peter Stacey, Stephen Neault, Dieter Rothbacher Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1023 downloads

Respiratory Protection Against Chemical Warfare Agents: an Overview of the Experience of the Inspectorate of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Peter Stacey, Stephen Neault, Dieter Rothbacher

Inspectorate Management Branch Training Cell, OPCW 

pdf Richard Remiarz, Shawn Knepper and Bob Montividas Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1181 downloads

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A New Device for Testing Respirator Integrity

Richard Remiarz, Shawn Knepper and Bob Montividas

TSI Incorporated 

pdf Riedar K. Oestenstad, Stephanie M. Lynch Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1020 downloads

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Exhalation Valve Leakage Measured by a Negative Pressure Fit Test Method and Its Effect on the Measurement of Human Subjects Fit Factors

Riedar K. Oestenstad, Stephanie M. Lynch

University of Alabama at Birmingham 

pdf Roberge, R, J. Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 978 downloads

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Analysis of Innovative Respiratory Protection Practices for Emerging Infectious Diseases

Roberge, R, J.

National personal Protective Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh 

pdf Robin Howie Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1065 downloads

A Model to Assess the Potential of PPE Ensembles to Generate or Exacerbate Heat Strain

Robin Howie

Robin Howie Associates 

pdf Robin Howie, Duncan Wood Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1010 downloads

Development of a Hooded Low Profile Filter Self-Rescue Device Meeting Niosh CBRN Criteria

Robin Howie, Duncan Wood

1) Robin Howie Associates, Edinburgh
2) Trilateral Group Ltd., London 

pdf Ronald E. Shaffer, Dennis J. Viscusi, Edward Sinkule, and Mike Bergman Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 968 downloads

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Evaluation of the Filtration Performance of 21 N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators After Prolonged Storage

Ronald E. Shaffer, Dennis J. Viscusi, Edward Sinkule, and Mike Bergman

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 

pdf Ronald E. Shaffer, Dennis J. Viscusi, Evanly Vo, Samy Rengasamy, Ed Fisher, and Mike Bergman National Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 953 downloads

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Reusability of Disposable Filtering Facepiece Respirators

Ronald E. Shaffer, Dennis J. Viscusi, Evanly Vo, Samy Rengasamy, Ed Fisher, and Mike Bergman National

Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 

pdf Samy Rengasamy, Benjamin Eimer and Ronald Shaffer Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1452 downloads

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Comparison of Nanoparticle Filtration Performance of NIOSH-Approved and CE Marked Filtering Facepiece Respirators

Samy Rengasamy, Benjamin Eimer and Ronald Shaffer

NIOSH/NPPTL, Pittsburgh 

pdf Satoshi Mogi and Meguru Inai Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 971 downloads

Filtration Efficiency of Dust Respirator Against Nanoparticles

Satoshi Mogi and Meguru Inai

Shigematu Works Co Ltd 

pdf Septimus Liang Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 2088 downloads

Updating the Nato Respirator Triptych D/103

Septimus Liang

Defence R&D, Canada 

pdf Simon J. Smith Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 975 downloads

Application of a Model for Respiratory Protection: Selection for Contagious Events

Simon J. Smith

3M Canada 

pdf T. Beardall, P. Bodurtha, D. Daynard, A. Gosselin, E. Gudgin Dickson, B. Harrison Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 964 downloads

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Approaches to Field Expedient Determinatiopn of Protection for First Responders

T. Beardall, P. Bodurtha, D. Daynard, A. Gosselin, E. Gudgin Dickson, B. Harrison

RMC Canada 

pdf Tamar Miller, Heli Honig, Gad Frishman, Keren Hizkia, Yonit Lavie, Yiftah Priel, Reuven Fichman, Hadar Roter, Uri Shuali, Ido Nir, Esther Krasner Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 962 downloads

Children & Infants Respiratory Protective System — CHIRPS

Tamar Miller, Heli Honig, Gad Frishman, Keren Hizkia, Yonit Lavie, Yiftah Priel, Reuven Fichman, Hadar Roter, Uri Shuali, Ido Nir, Esther Krasner

1) IMOD – NBC Protection Division, Hakirya, Tel Aviv, ISRAEL
2) DEA R&D, Merkaz Sapir, Givat Shaul, P.O.Box 35242, Jerusalem, ISRAEL 3) IIBR, Nes Tziona, ISRAEL 

pdf W. Jon Williams, Ph.D. Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 1058 downloads

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A Review of the Physiological Effects of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen in the Breathing Environment and Their Relevance to Respiratory Protective Devices

W. Jon Williams, Ph.D.


pdf Weihong Chen, Ziqing Zhuang, Stacey Benson, Lili Du, Dan Yu, Douglas Landsittel, Limin Wang, Dennis Viscusi, and Ronald E. Shaffer Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 967 downloads

New Respirator Fit Test Panels Representing the Current Chinese Civilian Workers

Weihong Chen, Ziqing Zhuang, Stacey Benson, Lili Du, Dan Yu, Douglas Landsittel, Limin Wang, Dennis Viscusi, and Ronald E. Shaffer

1) Department of Occupational & Environmental Health and MOE Key Lab of Environmental and Health, School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430030, China
2) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory, Pittsburgh, PA 15236 USA
3) EG&G Technical Services Inc., Pittsburgh, PA 15236 USA
4) Duquesne University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA 15282 

pdf Yoshimi Matsumura, Ph.D. (Presenter), Katsumi Suzuki, Akio Ogawa and Naoyuki Iijima Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 995 downloads

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Robotic Torso for Inward Leakage Test of PAPR

Yoshimi Matsumura, Ph.D. (Presenter), Katsumi Suzuki, Akio Ogawa and Naoyuki Iijima

The Technological Institution of Industrial Safety, Japan 

pdf Yuqing Ding, Michael L. Parham and Amy E. Staubs Popular

In 2008 - Dublin, Ireland 970 downloads

Application of a New Breakthrough Model for Industrial Air Purifying Cartridges

Yuqing Ding, Michael L. Parham and Amy E. Staubs

Tyco/Scott Health and Safety